Transition to new CMS on MarkusTegelane website
Soon MarkusTegelane website will run a new content management system, the same one that's on website, which has been written by me from scratch (apart from Markdown decoder, which is a third party library). The change affects all subsites, including MarkusTegelane+ and MarkusTegelane++ (dev) sites, where both are getting a new interface. Content management system has multiple benefits compared to previous Laserlite system, including:
- Labelling system, which helps improve the SEO of the site with additional metadata
- Management of multiple subsites on one admin panel
- Modular design thanks to widgets
- Error reporting system
- Universal design across multiple web apps
However, old themes will not work on the new content management system (specifically laserlight and classic), but I try to keep it possible to allow you to use these themes, altough I probably won't really update those legacy pages anymore.
The transition won't happen immediately, because I need to determine all of the links, which need to be redirected to new URLs, so that old links don't throw a 404 after update.
Here are some screenshots of the site with new CMS:
Content management with multiple subapps |
MarkusTegelane+ devUpdate page |
News subpage (MarkusTegelane webapp) |
MarkusTegelane+ latest videos page |
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