
Transition to new CMS on MarkusTegelane website

Soon MarkusTegelane website will run a new content management system, the same one that's on website, which has been written by me from scratch (apart from Markdown decoder, which is a third party library). The change affects all subsites, including MarkusTegelane+ and MarkusTegelane++ (dev) sites, where both are getting a new interface. Content management system has multiple benefits compared to previous Laserlite system, including: Labelling system, which helps improve the SEO of the site with additional metadata Management of multiple subsites on one admin panel Modular design thanks to widgets Error reporting system Universal design across multiple web apps However, old themes will not work on the new content management system (specifically laserlight and classic), but I try to keep it possible to allow you to use these themes, altough I probably won't really update those legacy pages anymore. The transition won't happen immediately, because I need to dete

Reminder: legacy version of channel database will be closed on 1st April

Due to security concerns, I am closing the old version of channel database . At 12:00 UTC, it will no longer be possible to use this URL to enter the channel database, instead you are going to see an error message. New version, which you will be able to access in the future, can be found here .

New application - Channel database Lite

Channel database has always been an important part of my website and now, in 2024, I have rewritten it from scratch in Yii2 framework. I have several reasons for doing this, but one important reason is that the old channel database apps were written in 2020, back when I wasn't as experienced with making PHP applications. The consequence of this is that the code of channel database is now very unreadable and over the years, there have been a lot of bugs, which I have found in the app. Architectually the problem was that about 90% of the code was on a single file and global variables were used everywhere. The situation was a little bit better on the very first versions, but there a lot of the code was duplicated, which created a situation in which changing something in the main view didn't apply to idea box and gallery. The situation got worse, when I discovered serious vulnerabilities in legacy non-Bootstrap versions (which is why I made them inaccessible). Channel databa

The URL of "Let's mine and craft" Minecraft blog is changing

Due to the fact that Freenom decided to stop offering .tk domains, it was no longer possible to reserve new .tk domains (which has been in effect for a while now). However, it was possible to manage existing domains and even renew them. Unfortunately now it is no longer possible to visit any website with the .tk TLD. Due to this I am forced to move my Minecraft blog to a new URL - . As you can see, "Let's mine and craft" is a subdomain of now. This change does not effect Feedburner links.

Empty blog post

This blog post has intentionally been left empty. Please do not read it!

Deleting Twitter/X profile

Starting from next year, I'm going to delete my account on Twitter/X. This means that starting from January 2024, you will not be able to follow what I do using the social network site. Instead, I recommend you follow me through the following methods: - my primary website, I try to maintain it as long as possible :) YouTube - I exist on YouTube as @MarkusTegelane , @MarkusTegelanePlus , @hashMarkusTegelane , and @PAKTC channels, you can also follow what I do using the community tab (I also have the @MarkusMaal channel, altough there are a few public videos there) Odysee - @MarkusTegelane:8 mirror of my YouTube channel, no subtitles, videos are in the original language - my channel's official blog, the most important info about my channel is posted here, you can also follow through RSS: GitHub (development related stuff): - my Minecraft

Downloads on the website!

Starting from today, you can download stuff I've made from the website! For this, just click Downloads button, choose a desired category and the downloadable item. From the download page, you'll find the description, screenshots and download links with checksums!