Soon MarkusTegelane website will run a new content management system, the same one that's on website, which has been written by me from scratch (apart from Markdown decoder, which is a third party library). The change affects all subsites, including MarkusTegelane+ and MarkusTegelane++ (dev) sites, where both are getting a new interface. Content management system has multiple benefits compared to previous Laserlite system, including: Labelling system, which helps improve the SEO of the site with additional metadata Management of multiple subsites on one admin panel Modular design thanks to widgets Error reporting system Universal design across multiple web apps However, old themes will not work on the new content management system (specifically laserlight and classic), but I try to keep it possible to allow you to use these themes, altough I probably won't really update those legacy pages anymore. The transition won't happen immediately, because I need to dete...