[Video] The longest Markus computer entertainment episode is now public!

The twentieth Markus computer entertainment episode is special in more ways than one! In addition to the fact that it is the 20th episode, I used a new faster method for making this video - editing spilt into phases. This means that different parts of editing occoured in different phases. These phases are the following:

  1. Recording/Screen capture
  2. Creation of project files, removing unneeded filler+blurring (the longest phase)
  3. Beta version of the intro, remarks, overlays, 2D special effects
  4. 3D graphics
  5. Credits
  6. First render, video overview
  7. Addition of missing details/corrections of mistakes (e.g. wrong episode number, unblurred spots, text formatting issues, technical difficulties, etc.)
  8. Subtitles
  9. (If needed) Re-rendering

I rendered this video using the DaVinci Resolve 18 software. Unlike other episodes, which I've edited with this program, this time I set the framerate to 30 fps (the other ones were rendered at 24 fps), so that the video would be as smooth as possible on 60 Hz displays, which most of my viewers use.

 It's also the longest Markus computer entertainment episode ever (second episode in length that's closely behind is the Nokia C2-01 related episode). This isn't the longest mmaal (markustegelane) video however, that title goes to this video (excluding live stream archives). 

Nevertheless, I tried to make a video, that is watchable and engaging from start to finish, by adding several special effects, removing as much boring clips as possible and by adding some nice background music.


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