A big update for my YouTube channel's website is coming

Because of this, on February 27th 2021, the website will be temporarly closed. If you try to visit the website during the outage, you'll see this screen:

New website update screen

Different to previous versions, you won't be able to show the website in an experimental state here. I, who updates this website, has to manually set so called magic cookie, which hides this screen and shows the website in an experiemental state. This update job may take up to 24 hours.

But in addition to the update screen, version 6.1 will have many other interesting features. First, there are a few changes when it comes to themes, which makes them a bit more aesthetically pleasing. But in addition to light and dark themes, this version is going to have a brand new blue theme, as you can see on the picture below.

Blue theme on the "Game of Life" page

But much more important change is coming to the entire comment system. Compared to previous system, where you could comment only to the bottom part of home page, this version is going to add comments to blog posts, downloadable files, and using the same system send a private message to the administrator. This system is also used by the channels' database, where even the comments are now archived (in progress, will continue after the update).

You can also now add a rating to comments (like or dislike) and you can also reply. Some comments are also marked. Marked with red are comments made by moderators, green ones are made by me and blue comments are by other administrators.

New comment system under a blog post

The blog on the website now shorterns the content
of blog posts until the user clicks "Read more"

Private messages to administrators

New comment system on the channels' database

Comment under a downloadable file

This version will also get a working process to create a moderator account. This will also use the new feedback page. The content moderator can hide comments, see hidden comments, and restore hidden comments. The comments can only be deleted by the owner of the website.

Instructions to create a moderator account

Feedback page

Posting a new comment using a moderator account


Populaarsed postitused

New application - Channel database Lite

New blog: Markus' stuff