A big update for my channel's website has arrived

A day has arrived, where my website has gotten a large update. This update was neccassary for the following reasons:

  • Design of my YouTube channels have completely changed and they don't fit with the previous version.
  • Updating the website content has been quite annoying for the administrator
  • Moderation of comments is required to deal with spam comments
  • To integrate the new channel database with the main web site
  • To simplify the translation process
  • To simplify the URLs
  • To offer better user experience, especially when it comes to the navigation bar

The website may at first seem to work similar to previous version, but the PHP code and file structure is completely different as compared to previous version.

One of the biggest changes is that the website owner can change the content by logging in with a special username and password. This lets me update the website no matter where I am currently at. Different from the last version, where I had to log in using my desktop computer, to change the website, in this version I just need a web browser and an internet connection

Still, some features are not yet implemented, including:

  • Registering as a moderator (scheduled for January 2021)
  • Channels' database (January 2021)
  • Markus' stuff versions page in English (January 2021)
  • Website being responsive according to screen size (January 2021)

More info about the update can be found in the changelog.


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