
Showing posts from 2020

A big update for my channel's website has arrived

A day has arrived, where my website has gotten a large update. This update was neccassary for the following reasons: Design of my YouTube channels have completely changed and they don't fit with the previous version. Updating the website content has been quite annoying for the administrator Moderation of comments is required to deal with spam comments To integrate the new channel database with the main web site To simplify the translation process To simplify the URLs To offer better user experience, especially when it comes to the navigation bar The website may at first seem to work similar to previous version, but the PHP code and file structure is completely different as compared to previous version. One of the biggest changes is that the website owner can change the content by logging in with a special username and password. This lets me update the website no matter where I am currently at. Different from the last version, where I had to log in using my desktop computer, ...

The URL for my website has changed

 Due to the fact that I forgot to renew my domain, I'll have to change the website URL. The new URL is instead of the old, which is not registered anymore. HTTPS and other aspects of the website work normally. redirect will also be changed to This will not mean any changes to the website at the moment and a major website redesign will take place after another video has been released to my main channel.

A plan to update the blog and website

 Due to the fact that I changed my YouTube branding, I'll start updating my website and blog, but this time something is different.... The whole process will be posted as a video on TheMarkusGuy+ channel ! This will hopefully take place before the end of November.

My website is now back! (+an explanation about why the website was actually down)

TheMarkusGuy website is now back. After a long investigation, it turned out that my website had too many incoming requests (potential DDoS attack?) and my web host didn't like that, which is why they took down the site. In order to restore the web site, I had to make a new site and restore all of the data myself. Due to the fact that I was aware that here may be some problems coming with the web server (I didn't want to take any risks), I made a backup of the entire website in my computer. Also my website was (and still is) available in the Wayback Machine web archive. At the moment, parts of the web site that communicate with databases, including blog posts and comments, don't work. This is because I wasn't able to log in to phpmyadmin. I'll wait on that for a few days and as soon as I can log in, I'll restore the backup file of the database I made (which I also downloaded previously and which contains all previous data). To avoid pontentially unwanted requests...

TheMarkusGuy website is down

Due to misunderstandings with 000webhost, the website has temporarily been closed. Access to the website arrives at the end of the week.

This blog is in the process of moving to my main site

Yes, that is right! Instead of having to separate web sites for blog posts and all of the other stuff, at  I am creating a blog section. Currently it only shows the latest blog posts on the homepage, but I am planning to expand it in the future, including a separate page for all the blog posts and even a search feature. This is what it looks like currently:

Visiting my channel's website is now more secure!

My channel website now uses HTTPS. At the moment, it is completely optional (so older devices can still visit the website), but soon the website will have features that require a secure connection (potentially anonymous polls, chat rooms, etc.). If you want your browser to always use secure connection, you can use an extension, such as HTTPS Everywhere. For best experience, use Cloudflare's DNS servers ( and  I made this change, so everyone visiting my website could be sure, that they see the correct web page and that their data is protected (my site doesn't collect any data, everything should be anonymous). I am planning to update some links on my blogs, so that they redirect automatically to HTTPS. Some blogs (including LogOS technologies) will not transition to HTTPS in the near future.

A new computer tips video

Computer tipus are back! In this video I show how you can boot your Android device in sade mode. No, that wasn't a typo, Android devices can really be booted into safe mode! 

Movement Batch 3.0 is now available for download

The day has finally come! Movement Batch 3.0 is now available for download from my website. A video about this version will come out later this week.

Movement Batch 3.0 - Not a long wait ahead

In last year's stream, I showed the last version of Movement Batch, which is now almost finished. Tutorial levels and manuals are already done. Right now I'm optimizing the game and the editor (to avoid crashes). ERS system will be left in, but it's not going to be as important as it was in the beta version. Projected release in February.