New application - Channel database Lite
Channel database has always been an important part of my website and now, in 2024, I have rewritten it from scratch in Yii2 framework. I have several reasons for doing this, but one important reason is that the old channel database apps were written in 2020, back when I wasn't as experienced with making PHP applications. The consequence of this is that the code of channel database is now very unreadable and over the years, there have been a lot of bugs, which I have found in the app. Architectually the problem was that about 90% of the code was on a single file and global variables were used everywhere. The situation was a little bit better on the very first versions, but there a lot of the code was duplicated, which created a situation in which changing something in the main view didn't apply to idea box and gallery. The situation got worse, when I discovered serious vulnerabilities in legacy non-Bootstrap versions (which is why I made them inaccessible). Channel databa...